일반적으로 알려지지 않은 노루궁뎅이버섯은 옛부터 식용과 약용으로 쓰였답니다.
일명 산삼보다 더 규한 버섯이라고 동의보감에 쓰여 있더라구요.
노루궁뎅이버섯은 다당체(Hericium Polysaccharide)라는 성분이 박테리아나 바이러스,
그리고 인체의 결함이 있는 세포를 둘러싸서 먹어치우는 대식세포나 림프구를 강화시키는 작용을 함으로써
위암과 대장암의 발생율을 감소시키며 위궤양, 십이지장궤양, 만성 위염 등을 크게 개선시키는 것으로 알려져 있습니다. 노루궁뎅이버섯에 풍부하게 들어있는 올레아놀릭산이라는 성분이 위산으로부터 위벽을 보호하고 위와 장의 기능을 개선시키며 궤양을 치료하고 만성위염의 염증을 가라앉히는 작용을 한다고 합니다. 또한 관상동맥에 피의 흐름을 증가시키는 기능으로 혈행을 좋게 한다고 합니다.
노루궁뎅이버섯은 식용과 약용으로 요리와 차, 음료등으로 다양하게 드실 수 있읍니다.
노루궁뎅이버섯 끓여서 마시는 방법
건조 노루궁뎅이버섯 약10~15g을 물 1리터에 넣고 15분 ~30분간 끓이면,
순하고 맛있는 노루궁뎅이버섯차가 됩니다.
이것을 그대로 마셔 주시면 됩니다.
지금은 손쉽게 구할수 있는 티백으로 나와있는 제품이 있습니다.
2. 민들레차
민들레는 강장에 좋으며, 소화기관 계통의 질환에 효과가 뛰어나 위를 보호하고 식욕을 증진시키다.
신장의 기능을 원활하게 해 배뇨가 잘 되며 고혈압과 담석증에도 좋다.
또한 섬유질이 많아 장의 소화흡수를 도와 소화에도 좋으며, 구강염과 인후염, 기관지점막에도 약효가 있어 감기의 예방과 치료에 효과가 높다. 민들레를 장기간 복용하면 신경통을 예방 할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 많이 마시면 숙면한다. 피부 미용에도 좋고 체력강화에도 뛰어난 효과가 있습니다.
민들레 잎을 물로 잘 씻어 2-3cm로 썬 다음 직사광선을 피해 그늘에서 충분히 말린다.
말려 놓은 민들레 잎을 건조 보관하면서 필요시 조금씩 꺼내 뜨거운 물에 집어넣어 5분 정도 지난 뒤 국물이 우러나면 벌꿀이나 설탕을 넣어 마신다.민들레는 생으로 잎을 먹어두 되구요. 뿌리를 우려서 물처럼 마셔도 됩니다.
===> 시중에 편하게 커피처럼 만들어 팔기때문에 사셔서 드셔도 됩니다.
3. 쑥차
위장과 간장의 기능을 강화하고, 혈액의 정화시키는 작용이 있다.
칼륨의 함량이 많아 체내의 과잉된 염분을 배출하기 때문에 고혈압의 예방에 효과가 있다.
풍부하게 함유된 엽록소에는 궤양 치료의 작용을 촉진한다.
티푸스균과 포도구균 등의 증식을 억제하고, 인플- 루엔자 바이러스를 강하게 억제한다.
여성에게는 지혈효과가 있어 자궁 출혈에 좋다. 쑥은 이른봄의 5월 단오 즈음의쑥을 채취한다.
채취한쑥의 이물질은 제거후 깨끗히씻어서 말린다.
물기가 어느정도 마른후 한지봉지를 만들어 그속에 넣은후 통풍이 잘 되는 곳에 걸어 건조시킨다.
바삭바삭 할때까지 말린후 물을 끓여 적당량 우려낸다. 향이 좋고 양을 조절하면 쓴맛이 없고 구수하다.
4. 솔잎차
소나무는 상록교목으로 우리나라 전국각지에서 자란다.
잎은 생것 또는 그늘에서 말린 것을 사용하는데 위장병, 고혈압, 중풍, 신경통, 천식등에
효과가 있다고 되어 있다. 꼭 어느 성분 때문이라고 할 수 없지만 여러가지 정유성분,
비타민 A, C, 타닌, 고미성 물질, 플라보노이드, 항균성 물질 등이 들어 있어 약리작용을
나타내는 것으로 알려져 있다.
ㄱ. 가장 보편적인 방법으로는 솔잎 약 50g에 물 약 1리터를 넣고 끓인후 약 100g을 넣고
끓인 후, 찻잔에 따라서 기호에 따라 꿀이나 설탕을 가미해서 마신다.
ㄴ. 병에다 솔잎을 3~4cm정도 되게 잘라서 넣고 물 과 설탕을 넣고 끓인후, 식혀서 솔잎이
잠기게 넣은 뒤 약 3개월 보관하였다가 찻잔에 솔잎 5~7잎을 꺼내서 넣고 뜨거운 물을
부어서 마신다.
ㄷ. 건조시킨 솔잎을 믹서로 갈아서 분말을 내어서 컵에 넣고 뜨거운 물을 붓기만 해도 마실
수 있다.
ㄹ. 건조된 솔잎을 믹서로 갈아서 꿀로 환을 만들어 보관하였다가 뜨거운 물에 타서 마신다.
5. 생강차
생강은 따뜻한 성질이 있고,혈액 순환을 촉진시켜 손발과 몸을 따뜻하게 하는 성질이 있다.
또 위장을 강화시키고, 소화를 촉진해 복통을 가라앉히고 설사를 멎게 해준다.
이런 작용 때문에 거의 모든 한약을 달이는 데 들어가는 것이 생강.
생강차는 겨울철 감기 예방을 위한 차로서 최상이다.
단 위궤양이 있거나 평소 열이 많은 사람은 삼간다.
생강 2쪽(70g),과 물3컵 반의 양에 마르지 않은 생것으로 골라 겉껍질을 말끔히 벗겨낸 뒤
씻어 얇게 썬다.
냄비에 분량의 물과 생강편을 넣고 센 불에서 끓이다 약한 불에서 약 15~20분 정도 달인다.
찻잔에 우린 생강차를 붓고 꿀을 넣어 단맛을 낸다.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Current Inflation Rates: 2000-2009
The chart, graph and table of inflation rates displays annual rates from 2000-2009. Rates of inflation are calculated using the Current Consumer Price Index published monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). For 2009, the most recent monthly data (12-month based) is used in the chart and graph.
Subclipse is an Eclipse Team Provider plug-in providing support for Subversion within the Eclipse IDE. The software is released under the Eclipse Public License (EPL) 1.0 open source license.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Demographics of the United States
This article discusses the demographic features of the population of the United States, including population density, ethnicity, education level, health, economic status, and religious affiliation.
Mineful Demographics provides marketing professionals and researchers with a complete and visual demographic profile of the U.S. population and Puerto Rico.
If you need to do marketing research to understand and compare demographic and economic characteristics, start by clicking a state on the map or table below. You will find updated population data, household statistics, income distributions, and business data at the State, County, and Zip Code level.
Mineful Demographics provides marketing professionals and researchers with a complete and visual demographic profile of the U.S. population and Puerto Rico.
If you need to do marketing research to understand and compare demographic and economic characteristics, start by clicking a state on the map or table below. You will find updated population data, household statistics, income distributions, and business data at the State, County, and Zip Code level.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Google News Timeline
Timeline results are generated by a computer program, and we don't guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information you may see.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Write System.out.println() in a simple way
System.out.println() method can be shortened by creating
a couple of helper methods.
a couple of helper methods.
private static void prt(String s) {
private static void prt() {
Friday, April 17, 2009
Fport v2.0
fport reports all open TCP/IP and UDP ports and maps them to the owning application. This is the same information you would see using the 'netstat -an' command, but it also maps those ports to running processes with the PID, process name and path. Fport can be used to quickly identify unknown open ports and their associated applications.
How to export file and folder names to Excel
Assuming you wanted to output all the files in C:\Test to Excel, you would select Start-Run, enter cmd and press enter. In the command prompt window, type:
dir C:\Test /b > c:\files.csv
then just open the c:\files.csv file in Excel.
You can also do this from Excel with a macro if you prefer.
dir C:\Test /b > c:\files.csv
then just open the c:\files.csv file in Excel.
You can also do this from Excel with a macro if you prefer.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
How do I manage environment variables in Windows XP?
Just like in Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000, environment variables are strings that contain information about the system and currently logged on user. To manage System variables, you must be logged on as a member of the Administrators group.
If you open a CMD prompt and type SET, you will receive a list of many of the users and system variables. The System variables that you can manage are stored in registry at the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment key.
To manage environment variables:
1. Right-click My Computer and press Properties.
2. On the Advanced tab, press Environment Variables.
3. Select one of the following options, in either the or System area:
- Press New to add a new variable name and value.
- Select an existing variable name and press Edit to change its' name or value.
- Select an existing variable name and press Delete to remove the variable name.
NOTE: If you change a System environment variable, you may need to restart your computer.
NOTE: If you change a user environment variable, restart any open application, or log off and log on.
If you open a CMD prompt and type SET, you will receive a list of many of the users and system variables. The System variables that you can manage are stored in registry at the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment key.
To manage environment variables:
1. Right-click My Computer and press Properties.
2. On the Advanced tab, press Environment Variables.
3. Select one of the following options, in either the
- Press New to add a new variable name and value.
- Select an existing variable name and press Edit to change its' name or value.
- Select an existing variable name and press Delete to remove the variable name.
NOTE: If you change a System environment variable, you may need to restart your computer.
NOTE: If you change a user environment variable, restart any open application, or log off and log on.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
TIOBE Programming Community Index for April 2009
April Headline: MATLAB re-enters top 20
The TIOBE Programming Community index gives an indication of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors. The popular search engines Google, MSN, Yahoo!, and YouTube are used to calculate the ratings. Observe that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.
The TIOBE Programming Community index gives an indication of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors. The popular search engines Google, MSN, Yahoo!, and YouTube are used to calculate the ratings. Observe that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
28 Questions You Wish You Asked the Manager During the Job Interview
About the Team
1. Who is my line manager or the project leader to whom I will report? Can I meet him? (Some companies only let candidates meet the managers. Go figure.)
2. Before I accept the job, can we do a lunch with the whole team to get to know each other?
3. What is the demographic of the team? or Why are there so few women in senior positions here? (Diversity matters.)
4. What sort of team environment do you promote? How do teams interact with one another?
About the manager
5. How much time do you spend in one-on-one meetings versus the time in team meetings?
6. Give an example of something unexpected and how it was handled.
7. How do you measure success? Where does that measurement stand now? What actions are you taking to change the measurement(s) (in the right direction)? What have those actions done to the measurement(s)?
8. How does your manager measure your success?
9. What is your preferred method of communication? Phone calls, e-mail, informally, in meetings, only when necessary? How much contact will I have with you?
10. Why do people typically leave your team? (The best answer probably is that they were promoted, but if they're leaving the company or seeking internal transfers you may have an opportunity to drill down and find out why. This is also a subtle way to ask how long the manager has been managing people.)
About the work environment
11. Can you show me where I'll be working? Can we walk around the office? (As you walk around, listen.)
12. Are the tools I'll be using cutting edge or totally ancient? What is the specification of the developer machines that you provide?
13. What sort of training and development mechanisms are there for professional development? How about conference attendance? (Factor in the answer when you begin negotiating. Plus you want to know if the company is interested in investing in people.)
14. Are there opportunities to explore my skills at different business areas through the course of my tenure? (Can you grow in different areas, and move into a new one? For examples, can testers with a bend towards coding become developers?)
15. I'm not a morning person. Will I have flexibility to work when I am most productive, barring things like mandatory meetings?
16. What is our mission? What will be my role in the mission?
17. How many positions am I actually covering?
18. What will I be expected to accomplish the first three months?
19. What projects will I work on? How will I be transitioned to new projects after existing projects are over?
20. How much overtime has this team been doing in the last three months? What's typical? What's acceptable? How does the company respond after a time-crunch is over? (If you ask directly, "Do you encourage work/life balance?" naturally they'll respond "Sure!" Instead, ask a specific question to find out if that "Sure!" matches reality.)
The company
21. What is your company vision? How do you reflect it in your daily work? (Most start-ups have big ideas but few conduct themselves in a way that will help them reach their goals.)
22. How do benefits compare to sector averages?
23. Could you explain the pay review system? Also, the performance review system?
24. How comfortable are you with your company's financials? How has the current economic climate impacted business?
25. When did the company have its last layoff? (What you really want to know, of course, is "How long until the most recently hired get laid off?")
The open-ended questions
26. What one thing would you change about working here? You can ask this of anyone on the team. The answer tells you a lot about the workplace, as well as the values of the person you're talking to.
27. What's the best thing about working here? What's the worst thing about working here? Expect that the "best" things will be unremarkable, however nice to hear (such as "so many smart people!"). Listen carefully to the undertone in the worst-things.
28. In six months, what will I love about working for you? What will I hate? (I learned this question during researching the aforementioned DevSource article, and it's been amazingly useful. Warning: if the manager says, "You won't hate anything! I'm a nice guy!" run away. Either he has poor self-assessment skills, or he has demonstrated that he'll never give you a straight and honest answer.)
1. Who is my line manager or the project leader to whom I will report? Can I meet him? (Some companies only let candidates meet the managers. Go figure.)
2. Before I accept the job, can we do a lunch with the whole team to get to know each other?
3. What is the demographic of the team? or Why are there so few women in senior positions here? (Diversity matters.)
4. What sort of team environment do you promote? How do teams interact with one another?
About the manager
5. How much time do you spend in one-on-one meetings versus the time in team meetings?
6. Give an example of something unexpected and how it was handled.
7. How do you measure success? Where does that measurement stand now? What actions are you taking to change the measurement(s) (in the right direction)? What have those actions done to the measurement(s)?
8. How does your manager measure your success?
9. What is your preferred method of communication? Phone calls, e-mail, informally, in meetings, only when necessary? How much contact will I have with you?
10. Why do people typically leave your team? (The best answer probably is that they were promoted, but if they're leaving the company or seeking internal transfers you may have an opportunity to drill down and find out why. This is also a subtle way to ask how long the manager has been managing people.)
About the work environment
11. Can you show me where I'll be working? Can we walk around the office? (As you walk around, listen.)
12. Are the tools I'll be using cutting edge or totally ancient? What is the specification of the developer machines that you provide?
13. What sort of training and development mechanisms are there for professional development? How about conference attendance? (Factor in the answer when you begin negotiating. Plus you want to know if the company is interested in investing in people.)
14. Are there opportunities to explore my skills at different business areas through the course of my tenure? (Can you grow in different areas, and move into a new one? For examples, can testers with a bend towards coding become developers?)
15. I'm not a morning person. Will I have flexibility to work when I am most productive, barring things like mandatory meetings?
16. What is our mission? What will be my role in the mission?
17. How many positions am I actually covering?
18. What will I be expected to accomplish the first three months?
19. What projects will I work on? How will I be transitioned to new projects after existing projects are over?
20. How much overtime has this team been doing in the last three months? What's typical? What's acceptable? How does the company respond after a time-crunch is over? (If you ask directly, "Do you encourage work/life balance?" naturally they'll respond "Sure!" Instead, ask a specific question to find out if that "Sure!" matches reality.)
The company
21. What is your company vision? How do you reflect it in your daily work? (Most start-ups have big ideas but few conduct themselves in a way that will help them reach their goals.)
22. How do benefits compare to sector averages?
23. Could you explain the pay review system? Also, the performance review system?
24. How comfortable are you with your company's financials? How has the current economic climate impacted business?
25. When did the company have its last layoff? (What you really want to know, of course, is "How long until the most recently hired get laid off?")
The open-ended questions
26. What one thing would you change about working here? You can ask this of anyone on the team. The answer tells you a lot about the workplace, as well as the values of the person you're talking to.
27. What's the best thing about working here? What's the worst thing about working here? Expect that the "best" things will be unremarkable, however nice to hear (such as "so many smart people!"). Listen carefully to the undertone in the worst-things.
28. In six months, what will I love about working for you? What will I hate? (I learned this question during researching the aforementioned DevSource article, and it's been amazingly useful. Warning: if the manager says, "You won't hate anything! I'm a nice guy!" run away. Either he has poor self-assessment skills, or he has demonstrated that he'll never give you a straight and honest answer.)
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
How to minimize white screen in Windows XP and Firefox

Download one theme for Windows XP and two extensions for Firefox.
Microsoft Zune Theme 1.0
AnyColor (set it to True Black)
Blank Your Monitor + Easy Reading
6 Free Tools that every Windows Programmer should Install
1. Unlocker
I've talked about unlocker before, it's basically a fabulous little utility that tells you which app is locking your file (and it normally says it's the TortoiseSVN cache which brings me neatly onto my next utility...)
2. TortoiseSVN
The code you produce at work is version controlled, so why isn't the code your make at home? TortoiseSVN is the best way of managing a home version control system as it's a really easy Windows Explorer plugin.
3. Dependency Walker
So you're developing a large application - and by large I'm talking tens or even hundreds of dlls.
You change the public interface on one of the non-dynmically loaded ones and, because you're in a hurry to get a build finished, only rebuild that dll.
Suddenly you can't start you app up any longer.
Dependency walker can tell you which other dlls need to be rebuilt so that they can interface with the changed dll.
4. Notepad++
You're not still using notepad to open .txt files are you?
Notepad++ is far better as it supports custom plugins and has macro recording, yet it still starts up in an acceptable time.
Of all of the freeware editors out there, this is my favourite as it behaves the most like Visual Studio when the Ctrl key is held down and your flicking from word to word.
Other alternatives to the Big Bad Pad are: PSPad or Programmer's file editor, but I've tried them both all I'm sticking with Notepad++.
5. Process Explorer
Want to know what's eating all your processor time? Download Microsoft's pimped-up task manager, Process Explorer.
6. AutoHotkey
There is generally thought to be a 10 fold difference in productivity between poor programmers and expert ones. I believe that this is in no small part down to the experts' use of keyboard shortcuts. Auto Hotkey allows you to set up hotkey scripts to control virtually anything.
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